Camelia, the Raku bug

#raku IRC channel

Much real-time discussion happens on our IRC channel, #raku on

We try to be very nice to newcomers, so feel free to join us, and ask any Raku questions you might have.


We discuss questions about Raku, how to install a compiler, proposals for small enhancements to the specification, ideas for new modules - you name it.

If you don't have an IRC client installed, you can use your browser to connect to IRC.

If you prefer to chat on Discord, our Discord server is bridged with the IRC channels.

If you missed an interesting discussion on #raku - don't worry, there are public logs available.


A variety of IRC bots make our life easier, here's a short explanation of what they do - courtesy by frettled.

Some more detailed information about the bots in the Whateverable collection.

An IRC bot for benchmarking code at a given commit of Rakudo. It can be addressed by its full name ('benchable6') or its short name ('bench'). It will run the given code five times and return the minimum amount of time taken.
This bot is meant to help you find when something got broken. If you want to know if something has ever worked use Committable instead.
An IRC bot for running bloaty on files of MoarVM. It can be addressed by its full name ('bloatable6') or its short name ('bloat' or 'bloaty'). It will run bloaty and pass one or more files from different revisions of MoarVM.
RT queue search and utility bot.
Raku code evaluation bot. We use this for live testing of code that may be of interest to others; it chats back to the channel. rakudo: my $a; will result in a test against latest revisions of rakudo and MoarVM. (aliases include m: and rm:) nqp: say('foo') will test nqp. star: use JSON::Fast; my $a (or alias s:) will test against the latest rakudo star bundle camelia: help will give some other aliases.
An IRC bot for running code at a given commit of Rakudo. It can be addressed by its full name ('committable6') or its short names ('commit', 'c').
An IRC bot for creating a coverage report of the Rakudo (and NQP) source lines that were hit while running the code you give it. The first option is the commit, the second (optional) option is the filter for what lines of the MoarVM-generated coverage log you want, the third is the code to run.
Announces commits made to various projects relevant to Raku, such as implementations of Raku and some of the repositories owned by Raku.
Used to be the commit announcer before Geth took over. Now it just lurks quietly, picking targets for extermination.
Evalable is just Committable that defaults to HEAD.
An IRC bot for grepping through the module ecosystem. It can be addressed by its full name ('greppable6') or its short name ('grep').
Let's you .hug people in the channel.
IRC logging bot.
an IRC bot for generating Raku NativeCall code from C definitions. It can be addressed by its full name ('nativecallable6') or its short name ('nativecall'). The bot is using App::GPTrixie to do the conversion.
an IRC bot for for noting things. It can be addressed by its full name ('notable6') or its short name ('note'). There is also a “weekly:” shortcut.
An IRC bot for searching messages in the IRC log. It can be addressed by its full name ('quotable6') or its short name ('quote').
An IRC bot for getting information about the upcoming release. It can be addressed by its full name ('releasable6') or its short name ('release'). As a user, you are probably only interested in its only command “status”. It tells when the next release is going to happen and how many blockers are there.
An IRC bot for generating reports of changes in rakudo RT and GitHub issue trackers (which issues were resolved, updated, rejected, etc.). It can be addressed by its full name ('reportable6') or its short name ('report'). It takes snapshots of issue trackers periodically, and then you can ask it to generate a report for two given snapshots. See also: Weekly, Monthly and Yearly reports
An IRC bot for making rakudo builds produced by Whateverable publicly available. It can be addressed by its full name ('shareable6'). Note that the build will be located in /tmp/whateverable/rakudo-moar/SOME-SHA/. Also, as of today these files are only useful for you if you're on linux x86_64.
Core source code locator
An IRC bot that can gather stats across rakudo builds. It can be addressed by its full name ('statisfiable6') or its short name ('stat'). For most commands it will reply with a gist that has a graph and the raw data. Note that stats are cached, but it takes some time for it to generate the graph, so be patient.
Creates links to the synopses and turns mentions of RT ticket numbers into clickable RT links.
An IRC bot for passing messages to users who are currently offline. You can also use it to see when was the last time somebody talked.
An IRC bot for getting interesting information about Unicode characters. It can be addressed by its full name ('unicodable6') or its short name ('u').