We are a bunch of volunteers developing the Raku Programming Language and Raku applications, and trying real hard to be nice to each other.
Get in touch with us! Here is how:
Much discussion happens on #raku, our IRC channel. This is the fastest way to get help.
If you prefer Discord for live chat, there is a Discord server available that is also bridged to the IRC.
Another way to stay tuned is reading posts from blogs that focus on Raku.
Raku is well represented on Rosetta Code, where you can see the Raku Programming Language (and many other languages) applied to numerous programming tasks.
Many questions and answers marked with Raku tag.
Use the resources to learn Raku and write about your experience along the way! Let us know when you do write something if you want to share it with the larger Raku community (you should!).
Some writing topics could be programs you've written, tricks you've learned, cool things about the Raku, etc. Because of your fresh perspective as a learner, writing educational/training material would be a great idea as well.
If anything is Less Than Awesome in your experience you can chat with us, or open an issue on the User Experience repository.
Through your experience of learning and using Raku, you will have utilized the docs. You're in a good position to help us make these docs more robust. If you notice something missing, or something that could be better clarified, open an issue on the Github Repo.
Help increase test coverage of the official Raku test suite called roast. This is the high bar that all Raku implementations must meet. There's a lot of ground to cover, so get up to speed with the Test module, if you don't already know it, and join us!
Once you've learned the language, you can write modules and share them in the ecosystem. We use zef for packaging. See this guide if you have questions about how to organize modules. If you don't know what to write, check out the most wanted modules list.
Rakudo™ is the most popular Raku compiler right now. Hacking on Rakudo innards is a lot easier than you would think, since most of it is written in Raku. However, since it isn't completely self-hosting, some parts are written in NQP.
NQP is a subset of Raku that is much smaller and simpler than Raku. Rakudo targets NQP. Then NQP targets various backend VMs like MoarVM, Javascript, and Java.
So you can get started right away by writing Raku, and if/when you need to access some very low-level functionality you can learn NQP. You can get up to speed fairly fast with this NQP learning course. So feel free to jump right in!
The Raku core development teams release the specification, compilers, and documentation they develop under the Artistic 2.0 license.
The broader development community is of course not required to use this license, but there is a large uptake among the community.
The Steering Council is a 7 person committee with many responsibilities, including maintaining the quality and stability of the Raku language, its compilers and its ecosystem. Also to make contributing and learning Raku as accessible, inclusive, and sustainable as possible (more information).
The Problem Solving repository contains issues that impact Raku which require consensus to resolve. The RSC is responsible for guiding any deadlocked issues to completion.